Reports and Proceedings

Republic of the Marshall Islands 2021 Census on Population and Housing Report

The report contains the latest Population and Housing Census conducted in August 2021. The census data collected includes demographic, social and economic statistics, to support development efforts and track key sectoral, national, regional, and global targets, included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Republic of the Marshall Islands 2021 Census on Population and Housing Report - ANALYTICAL REPORT

Republic of the Marshall Islands 2021 Census Report

The Marshall Islands Census of Population and Dwellings is conducted by the country’s statistics agency, the Economic, Planning, Policy and Statistics Office (EPPSO). It provides an official count of people, along with demographic and socioeconomic information at the atoll/island and community level. It is the 12th census of population to be undertaken after the first census enumeration was undertaken in the Republic of the Marshall Islands in 1920.

Republic of the Marshall Islands 2021 Census Report

Volume 1: Basic Tables and Administrative Report

Strategic Recommendations and Roadmap for Regional Solar PV and SHC Qualification and Certification Frameworks in the SPC Region

The Roadmap lays out a strategy for advancing solar qualifications and certifications in the Pacific Islands. This strategy is crafted to reflect the unique needs and contexts of the region, ensuring that the qualifications are pertinent, adaptable, and supported across the region. The approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the region's specific workforce and skill requirements in the solar industry, emphasizing the need for qualifications tailored to these demands.


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