Reports and Proceedings

Pacific Region Federation for Resilience Membership Form

Pacific Region Federation for Resilience (PRFR) Membership Form from the ISACS Meeting. The PRFR aims to lead a united and diverse Pacific regional climate change adaptation industry and professionalising resilience practice. 

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Journal Article - The First PV-Diesel Hybrid System in the Maldives Installed At Mandhoo Island

A grid-connected PV-diesel hybrid system has been designed and installed at one of the Outer Islands of the Maldives, as part of the SMILES project. Matching of demand and supply was thoroughly examined using the HOMER optimization programme. Data on daily load and efficiency of present diesel generators were collected as well as data on solar irradiation.

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Pacific Regional Transport Minister's Resolutions

The meeting of the Pacific Regional Transport (Aviation and Maritime) officials was held on 1 April in Nadi. The meeting examined sustainable transport services for all in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs), and how, as Pacific nations, to position transport services issues in the post 2015 development agenda at the national, regional and international levels.

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Outcomes of the Second Meeting of Pacific Ministers of Energy and Transport

Report of the 2nd Pacific Regional Energy and Transport Ministers Meeting held between 2April - 4 April 2014 in Nadi, Fiji.

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National Stocktake Report - National Capacity Self Assessment for Global Environment Management Project

The Cook Islands National Capacity Self Assessment (NCSA) programme was supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) office in Samoa. The project evolved from many international declarations and policy statements such as the Agenda 21 and the WSSD Johannesburg Plan of Action and in the case of small islands developing states, the Barbados Programme of Action. The objective of the NCSA stocktaking exercise and stakeholder consultations is to review existing mechanisms and capacities of institutions and stakeholders.

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Cook Islands Government Fuel Farm Review

This report was prepared by the Cook Islands Government. Mobil oil are the current supplies of fuel to the Cook Islands and Toa Petroleum Limited. The purpose of this document is to record the intention of the parties prior to the execution of a regulatory contract in relation to a template arrangement for the pricing of fuel.

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Large Scale RESCO based rural electrification "proof of concept" project

This report was prepard by Transenergie for the Fiji Department of Energy. Funded by the French Agency for Development.  The main objectives of this task are to (i) define the optimal institutional and regulatory framework of the project based on the results of the FIJI RESCO Project and (ii) a financial mechanism suitable for the sustained operation of the project, based on the public/private partnership concept already operational nut to be improved.

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Restructure of FEA

This presentation was prepared by the Fiji Ministry of Public Enterprises. The key objective of this restructure is to deregulate the energy sector and reduce Government obligations, Have an efficient and vibrant energy sector that creates a platform for private sector participation, Clean energy through capital and technological injection by encouraging International Divestment Partners and also good Independent Power Producers (IPP’s), Aligning energy sector to international best practices.

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