Energy Efficiency

The European Union Energy Initiative for poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development - a partnership initiative

The EU Energy initiative is an attempt to create a focus on better access to sustainable energy services fot the more than two billion 'energy poor' of our planet. Actions will be driven by the needs and priorities of the participating developing countries. 
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This review report was prepared by an external consultant, Peter Johnston, with the support of the Pacifc Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) and the Pacifc Community (SPC). 

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Tuvalu National Energy Situational Analysis - UPDATE

Herewith are analysed data in graphs showing the;

Energy Resource Category: 
2009- 2018

Seventh Meeting of the Pacific Energy Advisory Group (PEAG) meeting report 2016

The 7th meeting of the PEAG was held jointly with The Heads of Maritime and Energy meeting was held in Port Vila, Vanuatu from 7th to 9th December 2016. The meeting was organized and co-hosted by the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu, the Pacific Community (SPC), the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the World Bank.

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2017 Pacific Benchmarking Data - Pacific Power Utilities

The dataseta shows the  2017 Key Performance Indicator(s) - KPIs Operational and performance Data. Extracted from the "Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2017 Fiscal Year"

Table G.1 Generation 

Table G.2 Generation, Distirbution

Table G.3 Generation and Distributionm SAIDI SAIFI)

Table G.4 Demand Side Management DSM, HR and Safety Customer


Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards Programme (PALS) Final Evaluation Final Report

The Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards Programme (PALS), with funding and oversight from the Commonwealth of Australia, and regional management from the Pacific Community (SPC), has supported ten PICs since 2012 as they sought to enact legislation and implement Minimum Energy Performance  Standards and Labelling (MEPSL) for their highest energy-consuming appliances.

Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Report 2017 Fiscal Year

This report is a publication of the Pacific Power Association (PPA). The report is based upon the 2017 fiscal reporting year relevant to each utility. Presents the results of the sixth successive annual assessment of Pacific electricity utility performance since 2011. Report prepared by PPA with technical support from the World Bank.

The 2017 exercise involves data from 22 power utilities compared to 17 for the 2016 Fiscal Year.

Publication Category: 

Palau 2018 Urban Household Electrical Appliances, Lights and End-use Survey - Validated & Tabulated Results

In 2018 a household electrical appliances and lights survey were undertaken in the urban areas of Palau, i.e. Koror and Airai. The survey covered 40 urban households that have received an energy efficiency loan from the National Development Bank of Palau (NDBP) and a control group of 442 urban households that have not received an energy efficiency loan from the NDBP. The control group constitutes around 11.4% of all urban households in the country (as per 2015 census results there is a total of 3884 urban households in Palau).



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