Energy Efficiency

Benchmarking Summary Report 2017 Fiscal Year

This report is a publication of Pacific Power Association (PPA).

The 2017 Pacific Power Utilities Benchmarking Summary Report highlights data from 22 Power Utilities across Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). It covers:

- Benchmarking Overview,

- Governance

- Gender

- Data Reliability and

- KPI Results

Publication Category: 

EU-GIZ ACSE: Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Project Development Design

Enhancing Investments in small-scale renewable energy technologies in FSM focus on the sustainable energy. This Project Development design covers a detail summary of the project its objectives, activities, key deliverables and proposed outcomes etc.

Related Links

EU-GIZ ACSE FSM Project Brief

EU-GIZ ACSE: FSM Concept Notes

Publication Category: 

EU-GIZ ACSE FSM Project Brief - Improving the regulatory and financial environment to enhance investments in small-scale renewable energy technologies

The project will enhance investments in small-scale Renewable Energy (RE) in FSM through providing legislaton to guide the connecton of RE systems to the main power grid. The project will also provide small-scale users with access to loans through the FSM Development Bank. The project aligns with the focus on contributng to the natonal energy policy target for renewable energy and the reducton of fossil fuel use for power generaton.

Publication Category: 

Samoa National Building code 2017 - draft

The National Building Code of Samoa (NBC) is a performance based set of standards that provides objectives and descriptions of how a building and site should be constructed to achieve a structurally-sound and sustainable built environment.

As a performance based document, the NBC describes the outcome of a DEVELOPMENT project rather than prescribing a stepby-step method of how to construct.

Publication Category: 

Niue 2018 Household Electrical Appliances, Lights, and End-use Survey - Process and Findings

A household electrical appliances, lights, and end-use survey was undertaken in Niue during the period 2-23 March 2018. A total of 210 households were surveyed, which is around 44% of all households. The report covers the survey process as well as findings. 

Publication Category: 

Regional Certificate 4 in Sustainable Energy (SE)

The Certificate 4 in Sustainable Energy is aimed at those who may already be working in a field related to Energy/Sustainable Energy or those with relevant work experience who wish
to pursue a career in Sustainable Energy. Learners at this level must elect to study in one of the following fields: Energy Management, Biomass, Hybrid Wind, Micro Hydro Power, Solar.

Regional Certificate 3 in Sustainable Energy (SE)

The Certificate 3 in Sustainable Energy is aimed at those who may already be working in a field related to Energy/Sustainable Energy or those with relevant work experience who wish
to pursue a career in Sustainable Energy. Learners at this level must elect to study in one of the following fields: Energy Efficiency, Solar, Biomass, Hybrid Wind, Micro Hydro Power.

Regional Certificate 2 in Sustainable Energy (SE)

The Certificate 2 in Sustainable Energy is a generic qualification aimed at those who are working or seek entry to work in the Energy/Sustainable Energy sector working with Renewable Energy (RE) sources and Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).

This qualification was developed by the Pacific Regional Sustainable Energy Industry Standards Advisory Committee (ISAC) for the Sustainable Energy Industry Association of the Pacific Islands (SEIAPI) to EQAP.

Regional Certificate 1 in Sustainable Energy (SE)

The Certificate 1 in Sustainable Energy is a generic qualification aimed at those who seek entry to work in the Energy/Sustainable Energy sector working with Renewable Energy (RE) sources and Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).

This qualification was developed by the Pacific Regional Sustainable Energy Industry Standards Advisory Committee (ISAC) for the Sustainable Energy Industry Association of the Pacific Islands (SEIAPI) to EQAP.

Regional Certificates in Sustainable Energy (SE)

The Certificate 1 in Sustainable Energy is a generic qualification aimed at those who seek entry to work in the Energy/Sustainable Energy sector working with Renewable Energy (RE) sources and Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).

The Certificate 2 in Sustainable Energy is a generic qualification aimed at those who are working or seek entry to work in the Energy/Sustainable Energy sector working with Renewable Energy (RE) sources and Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).


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