Energy Efficiency

IEA Key World Energy Statistics 2021

The report contains International Energy Agency (IEA) Key World Energy Statistics 2021

ADB Key Indicators for Pacific 2022

ADB summary tables of Key Indicators for Pacific Islands for 2022

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Framework for Energy Security and Resilience in the Pacific: 2021 - 2030

The framework focuses on key changes that the Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific partners including SPC, PPA, SPREP, USP and PIFS - agree to implement so they function as an effective regional partnership for action to adress the Energy Sector Challenges. The framework has two volumes:

i. Volume 1: concise statement of broad principles and procedures to guide the relevant CROP agencies in establishing more detailed policies, actions and goals that are

Publication Category: 

ADB : Pacific Energy Update - 2021

The Pacific Energy Update 2021 highlights ADB's involvement with governments and partners in the Pacific region. It also serves as a knowledge bank and as a key financier, supporting Pacific countries in their shift towards clean energy while fostering partnerships to enhance resilience and inclusive growth pathways. 

Publication Category: 

ADB : Pacific Energy Update - 2019

The Pacific Energy Update 2019 provides an overview of ADB’s technical assistance (TA), grant, and lending activities in the region. It showcases the impacts and outcomes of initiatives completed in 2019, and active as of November 2019. It also describes selected activities slated for implementation in the years to come.

Publication Category: 

Support for Energy Sector Regulatory Capacity and Electrification Investment Planning - Fiji

The report compiled by Castlerock Consulting for ADB and Fiji Government under ADB TA 8971-FIJ: Support for Energy Sector Regulatory Capacity and Electrification Investment Planning. It has three volumes:

  • Volume 1: EFL Cost of Service Study
  • Volume 2: Regulatory Transition Assistance
  • Volume 3: A National Electrification Program for Fiji 
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