
Papua New Guinea National Energy Policy 2017 - 2027

Executive Summary

Energy is the engine of economic growth. Therefore the Government recognises the need to manage the energy sector in a manner that is efficient and sustainable. Development of the country’s energy resources therefore will be coordinated in a manner that guarantees PNG attains sustainable income from energy exports while at the same time, the Goverment wants to see the unit cost of energy reduced in order to make PNG an internationally competitive country to invest in. 

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50 Ways to End Kerosene Lighting

This guide aims to show many different technologies that can be used to eliminate kerosene lighting from households in developing countries. 1.6 billion people in approximately 300 million households still use kerosene lighting, spending around $10-30 billion/year, or an average of about $1/week.

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Electricity Pricing: Theory and Case Studies

The rapidly increasing costof electricity power in recent years has brought about a growing awareness of the importance of pricing policies in

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Republic of Kiribati National development strategies 2004-2007: Enhancing Growth and Ensuring Equitable Distribution

National Development strategies(NDS) is a strategic plan for sustained growth in the income and welfare of the people of Kiribati. It sets in a planning framework the aim that the Government expressed in its policy statement.

NDS provides the strategic planning framework and overall direction. Within that framework, detailed operational plans are then to be drawn up by Ministries and public enterprises. These plans will show how the resources allocated by Parliament in the Annual Budget will be used to pursue the development strategies. 

Solomon Island National Development Strategy 2011 to 2020: Final Draft

The formulation of the national development strategy (NDS) is one of the key expected outputs of the Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination as we strive for endurance and nation building Solomon Islands. This strategy sets out a framework for Development programmes in Solomon Islands and is intented to be a catalyst for development in the next 10 years in an effort to achieve the goals of Solomon Islands development agenda.

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Millennium Development Goals: Fiji National Report

This Report, provides the status of Fiji’s implementation as regards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).The MDG Report has been prepared in the context of the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2003-2005. The compilation of the MDG Report was timely as it coincided with the Mid Term Review of Fiji’s SDP 2003-2005 whereby the MDG indicators were also assessed. The MDGs were endorsed in the SDP but were not specifically included as indicators.

Nauru Energy sector overview

The aim of this report is to provide a stock take of the situations in the energy sector of Nauru and therefore inform a baseline which can be used in the development of the Nauru Energy Road Map (NERM). As such, this report containst: 

  • General country context (geography, economy, population, etc.);  
  • Energy sector landscape covering supply and demand and institutional arrangements;  
  • Experience, potential and challenges in the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency; and, 
  • Data needs for the energy road map and beyond. 
Publication Category: 

Sustainable energy policy: Report on an advisory Mission to the Pacific Islands

In July 2001, ESCAP advised island governments and PROs, that ESCAP intended to send a mission to the Pacific Region and would entertain requests for specific technical assistance related to sustainable energy development. Requests for assistance were received from six countries, Cook Islands, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, Tuvalu and Kiribati. The request from Vanuatu was for a technical consultancy on geothermal energy and will be fulfilled separately by a consultant contracted by ESCAP.

Solomon Islands Electricity Authority Annual Report 2012

2012 highlights

• 2011 Accounts cleared by the Auditors with only one minor disclaimer

• Three new Board Members appointed

• Significant progress made on sorting out ‘old’ accounts

• Restructuring of the organisation carried out

• CSO payments received from SIG without any penalties

• Offices refurbished at Lungga

• New SIEA customer offices established in Gizo, Auki, Kirakira and Munda

• LAN extended to Auki, Gizo, Tulagi, Kirakira and Noro • Asset  Review completed

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This review report was prepared by an external consultant, Peter Johnston, with the support of the Pacifc Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF) and the Pacifc Community (SPC). 

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