Millennium Development Goals: Fiji National Report

This Report, provides the status of Fiji’s implementation as regards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).The MDG Report has been prepared in the context of the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2003-2005. The compilation of the MDG Report was timely as it coincided with the Mid Term Review of Fiji’s SDP 2003-2005 whereby the MDG indicators were also assessed. The MDGs were endorsed in the SDP but were not specifically included as indicators. Many of the MDG indicators have now been incorporated in the revised Key Performance Indicators in the relevant sectors as part of the SDP review. 

The Report contains Fiji’s development trends; and progress made and constraints encountered in meeting the 18 targets and 48 indicators in the 8 priority areas under the MDGs. The Report was compiled on the basis of information provided by implementing agencies. Assessments were made on our achievements according to definitions and criteria agreed globally in the Millennium Declaration in September 2000.

Ministry of Finance and National Planning
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