Media Release

Fiji wholesale and retail fuel prices, 2022

The PDF documents captures the monthly fuel wholesale and retail prices in Fiji for 2022

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Fiji wholesale and retail fuel prices, 2021

The PDF documents captures the monthly fuel wholesale and retail prices in Fiji for 2021

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Determination of Fiji Electricity Authority Rates; Tariff Alignment Phase II

Press Statement released by the Commerce Commission known as Fijian Competition & Consumer Commission (FCCC) on 21st October 2010.

Determination of Fiji Electricity Authority Tariff Rates; Tariff Alignment Phase 1

Press Statement released by the Commerce Commission known as Fijian Competition & Consumer Commission (FCCC).

The Press Statement highlights the proposal request set forth by FEA (known as EFL) to implement an increase tariff rate. Noted that FCCC regulates prices.

Provided are the Commission Notes, Analysis and Future.

Keywords: Electricity, Tariff, FCCC, FEA, EFL

Understanding your electricity bill - Energy Fiji Limited

The following explains the breakdown and associated descriptions captured in the Energy Fiji Limited (EFL) elelctricity bill. EFL formerly used tobe called Fiji elelctricity Authority (FEA)

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EESLI: Tavua opts for solar energy, Fiji

The solar lights pilot project in Tavua was set up by CBS Power Solutions with joint funding provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Ministry of Local Government Urban Development, Housing and Environment.

The project cost $25,320.

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EESLI: Light comes to Nahu, Solomon Islands

November 5, 2010 (IUCN) – The remote village of Nahu, located in West Areare - deep in the province of Malaita in the Solomon Islands - is still in jovial celebration following the commissioning of solar lights installed in all 39 homes in the small village on Tuesday 2nd November 2010.

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