Media Release

SIDS Conference: SPC announced new sustainable energy partnerships

Media Release Issue - Thursday 4 September 2014. New sustainable energy partnerships by SPC announced at the United Nations Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in Apia.

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Regional energy experts meet in Suva to discuss energy projects

The Pacific Energy Advisory Group met in Suva 3-4 December to discuss the implementation of the FAESP 2010 - 2020, the development of new regional projects and preparations for the official and ministers meeting in April 2014.

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SPC raises water and energy awareness in Pacific Island schools

EDD and AGTD, divisions of SPC collaborated to coordinate a regional poster competition as a way to raise awareness about water and energy. The theme of the competition was 'Save Water, Save Energy for the Pacific'. This was one of the many activities to commemorate World Water Day 22 March. This year's theme was "Water and Energy'.

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SPC aims to increase energy access in rural Melanesia

SPC's Energy Programme is working on a project titled Melanesia's Million Miracle Programme (M3P). M3P is aimed at bringing the miracle of electricity to one million people in the Melanesian countries of Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu by 2020. A team from SPC's Energy Programme was in Vanuatu in June 2014 to consult and collect baseline data from local communities.

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North-REP's hydropower station refurbishment in Pohnpei completed

The North-REP project implemented by SPC and funded by the EU, completed the refurbishment of the Nanpil hydropower plant in FSM. Refurbishment begun in March 2014 and completed in June 2014. A training needs assessment was conducted specifically for the hydropower plant to strengthen the capacity of Pohnpei Utilities Corporation (PUC).

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Marshall Islands energy future focuses on Energy for All

The RMI and the Economic Development Division of SPC conducted a review of RMI's National Energy Policy and Energy Action Plan. As part of this, a 3 day workshop was held in Majuro on 21-23 January 2014.

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Energy efficiency discussions elevated at regional meeting

The Energy Programme of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) convened a project Steering Committee meeting of the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards (PALS) programme. This was followed by a workshop for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Efficient Lighting programme. The two events took place this week (May 27-28) in Nadi, Fiji.

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SPC and USP support gender-inclusive climate change adaptation efforts

Media Release - Tuesday 2 July 2013. SPC in collaboration with USP organized a workshop on addressing adaptation to climate change in rural communities through gender inclusive sustainable development on 24-28 June 2013 in Daku Village, Fiji.

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Pacific regional energy data repository initiative gaining momentum

Pacific leaders came together on the sidelines of the 68th United Nations General Assembly in September 2013 to sign a historic declaration with the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The declaration called for the establishment of a Pacific Regional Data Repository (PRDR) in support of the United Nations Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative. A series of consultative workshops have been completed since, with more planned for the coming months.

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