UNDP Asia - Pacific Regional Energy Programme for Poverty Reduction (REP-POR) - Pacific Rapid Assesment and Gap Analysis. Draft Final Report

This report was prepared by Herbert Wade and Peter Johnston for UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok. The purpose of this assignment was to undertake a rapid needs assessment and gap analysis of the fifteen Pacific Island Countries that potentially can participate in the UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Energy Program for Poverty Reduction (REP-PoR).  Ideally, such a study would involve travel to each country to allow extensive local input and as much discussion in-country as possible.

This REP PoR Pacific Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis report is presented in three parts:

  • This overview, Section 1, which summaries key issues and findings and acts as an introduction to the Pacific Regional Synthesis;

  • The Pacific Regional Synthesis, Section 2, in the form of a table prepared in a format specified by the Lead Consultant of the REP-PoR Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis for ease of integration of findings into a combined Asia/Pacific REP-PoR rapid assessment and gap analysis report; and
  • The Pacific Island Country Summaries, Section 3, which provides background information in the REP PoR-specified format and country-specific conclusions and recommendations for the fifteen PICs.


A stand-alone “Gender and Energy Add-on Consultancy Report: Pacific Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis” written by Ms. Ravesi Johnston has also been prepared. It expands on Ms Johnston’s coverage of gender issues presented in chapter VI. 

Herbert Wade
Peter Johnston
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