Fiji Sugar Corporation - Annual Report-2020

The Fiji Sugar Corporation (FSC) Limited was incorporated in Fiji by an Act of Parliament in 1972 to take over the milling activities with effect from 1st April 1973. Its successor includes SPSM and CSR Limited. By 2006, the Fiji Sugar Corporation Act was repealed allowing to be governed solely under the Companies Act. 
The Fijian Government is a major shareholder which owns 68% of shares while statutory bodies, local companies and individuals own the rest of the shares.
The Corporation owns and operates three sugar mills located at Lautoka, Ba and Labasa. The mills are strategically located on the drier side of the two main islands where
conditions are more suited to growing cane.

The Corporation is responsible for the manufacture and sale of raw sugar together with molasses as a by- product. The Corporation owns and maintains a railway network
which transports sugar to the mills. The Corporation is one of the largest sector employers with a workforce of around 1,700 individuals during the peak crushing season.

The Sugar Industry is important to Fiji’s economy as it contributes about 1.1% of GDP, generates about 4.5% of total exports in 2019 based on the provisional data from
the Reserve Bank of Fiji. Unlike many other export-oriented businesses, most production inputs are domestic and have a high regional impact and cross-sectoral linkages.
The report highlights the performance of FSC in terms of financial and governance responsibilities for the past one year.

Fiji Sugar Corporation
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