A Feasibility Study For Biogas in Peri- Urban Area of Vaitele

This report was prepared by Murray Ward and Bill Rucks. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment’s Renewable Energy Division, under the auspices of the Joint Water Sector Steering Committee (JWSSC), conducted this feasibility study on the production of biogas through anaerobic digestion from household sewage and green waste as an alternative method of on-site waste management that will improve sanitation while also providing a useful energy source for domestic household use in the Vaitele peri-urban area. The most common on-site wastewater management system used by residential and commercial developments in Samoa is the septic tank system. However, recent technical studies have shown that the current state of septic tank systems is very poor and as a result there is an increasing trend of the on-site wastewater management systems becoming worse. The poor performance of the septic tank systems are a direct result of site conditions, poor construction and lack of understanding of proper maintenance to ensure optimal system performance. The consequences of these poorly performing systems can lead to increased public health risks and environmental deterioration.

Murray Ward
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