Knowledge Hub

PRDR-PCREEE Knowledge Hub

The non-availability of reliable and updated quality information and knowledge is a major barrier for the uptake of sustainable energy technology markets. Particularly, in small island developing states (SIDS) domestic key stakeholders (e.g. policy makers, entrepreneurs, project developers, suppliers) have difficulties to access information on latest technology innovations, lessons learned, as well as practical templates and tools. Simultaneously, for international partners it is challenging to access knowledge on the specific conditions and latest developments in these countries. Therefore, under the umbrella of the Pacific Community (SPC), the PCREEE and the Pacific Regional Data Repository for SE4ALL (PRDR) are operating a joint knowledge platform which will be expanded throughout the next years. The platform will contribute to the joint platform of the other regional centers under the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers (GN-SEC). 



Post date Title Countries covered Year Publishedsort descending
Apr 10, 2015 Emergency Powers (Fuel Control) Regulations (Chapter 45A); Tonga Tonga 1974
Mar 20, 2015 Price Control on Imported Goods for Resale in Niue Act 1975 Niue 1975
Apr 17, 2015 Vanuatu Import Duties (Consolidation) Act Vanuatu 1976
Jun 17, 2016 Cook Islands Customs Amendment Act 1976 Cook Islands 1976
Apr 15, 2015 Tuvalu Oil Pollution (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations 1976 Tuvalu 1976
Jun 20, 2016 Cook Islands Diesel Road Tax Ordinance Repeal Act Cook Islands 1977
Jun 20, 2016 Cook Islands Import Levy Amendment Act 1977 Cook Islands 1977
Jun 17, 2016 Cook Islands Customs Act Amendment Act 1977 Cook Islands 1977
Apr 15, 2015 Kiribati Petroleum Ordinance Kiribati 1977
Nov 20, 2014 Proceedings of the eighth session, Suva, Fiji, 24 September - 1 October 1979. Fiji 1978
Nov 20, 2014 The results of a reconnaisance survey into the energy potential and development prospects of wave energy reaching the blow-holes area along the South Coast of Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga Fiji 1978
Nov 20, 2014 Wave climate of Fiji Fiji 1978
Nov 20, 2014 Proceedings of ECOR/IOC - CCOP/SOPAC symposium on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), 6 - 8 September 1976 International 1978
Nov 20, 2014 A geological and geophysical investigation of the Western Solomon sea, Trobriand basin, and adjacent areas - cruise report of the R/V Natsushima, 5 Dec 1983 - Jan 1984 Solomon Islands 1979
Nov 20, 2014 A marine geological and geophysical survey of the Northern Tonga ridge and adjacent Lau basin Tonga 1979
Nov 20, 2014 Geochemical and structural studies of the Northern Melanesian Borderland, Kana Keoki cruise 820316 - Leg 2, Pago Pago - Suva Fiji 1979
Nov 20, 2014 Proceedings of the fourth session, Honiara, Solomon Islands, 8-16 September 1975 Solomon Islands 1979
Nov 20, 2014 Proceedings of the Symposium on petroleum potential in Island arcs, small ocean basins, submerged margins and related areas; held in Suva, Fiji, 18-21 September 1979 Fiji, Regional 1979
Nov 20, 2014 The Northern Lau Basin: diffuse backarc extension at the leading edge of the Indo-Australian plate Fiji, Regional 1979
Jun 20, 2016 Cook Islands Import Levy Amendment Act 1978-1979 Cook Islands 1979
Nov 20, 2014 Report of Activities of the Technical Secretariat of CCOP/SOPAC Regional 1979
Nov 20, 2014 Bathymetry of nearshore area at proposed wave power site, Makeke area, Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga, July 1988 Tonga 1980
Nov 20, 2014 Relocation of waverider anchor offshore Makeke, Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga, 17 September 1989 Tonga 1980
Jun 17, 2016 Cook Islands Customs Tariff Act 1980 Cook Islands 1980
Nov 20, 2014 Installation of waverider buoy, offshore, Tongatapu, 21' 13.26' S, 175' 12.90'W, Kingdom of Tonga, 22 June 1987 Tonga 1980


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