United Arab Emirates

Fuel Prices for the Pacific Region, 2013 - 2015

Historical fuel prices for the Pacific Region from 2013 - 2015. For most countries, only retail prices are published here except for those that have both wholesale & retail fuel prices gazetted. See below for countries captured in this dataset. Data sourced from the SPC petroleum database. For current fuel prices, please email SPC Petroleum Advisory Unit (PAU) Officer for more information (pritanshus@spc.int).

Energy Resource Category: 
2013 - 2015

Endorsed Proposal for the PRDR SE4ALL

This proposal has been prepared for the consideration of senior officials and Minsters at the SPC-convened Energy and Transport Ministers Meeting being held in Nadi from 31 March to 4 April 2014. It has been developed by ESCAP with the assistance of Dr. Herbert Wade, an independent consultant who undertook missions to Tuvalu (21-25 January 2014), Kiribati (26 January to 2 February 2014), and Vanuatu (4 - 7 February, 2014) 1 to help determine the feasibility of the PRDR through interviews with key stakeholders in those countries.

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