
United States of America Insular Areas Assessment Report: An Update of the 1982 Territorial Energy Assessment

This report was prepared by the Pacific Power Association for the U.S Department of Interior. The purpose of this document is to report on the energy consumption for seven (7) U.S.-affiliated Insular Areas. 

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Energy and Poverty in the Pacific Island Countries: Challenges and the Way Forward

This report was prepared by the UNDP. The report highlights that access to affordable and sustainable sources of energy has strong linkages with the reduction of poverty/hardship, i.e. if poverty/hardship reduction is an objective, then the provision of energy is an essential prerequisite. In the PICs, where poverty/hardship is often viewed as the lack of access to basic services, opportunities and adequate resources, the case for energy provisioning and access is particularly strong. Provision of essential social services such as health and primary education require energy services.

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Productive Utilization of Renewable Energy in the Tourism Sector of the Forum's Small Island States in the North

This report was prepared by Ivan Krishna, EDD, SPC. The project “Productive Utilization of Renewable Energy in the Tourism Sector of the Forum’s Small Island States in the North” or PURE SIS North Tour for short is co-funded by the Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project (PIGGAREP) from SPREP and the Pacific Islands Development Cooperation Fund (PIDCF) from PIF to promote the productive utilization of feasible renewable energy technologies in the tourism sector of the northern SIS so as to promote fossil fuel free eco-tourism and sustainable livelihoods for

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National Accounts for the Republic of Palau

This report was prepared by the Government of the Republic of Palau. This report contains the 2000 - 2014 income measures in current prices and real terms; current and constant price GDP, GDP per capita; constant  and current price GDP by industry, annual % growth. GDP price deflators and constant price GDP by institutional sector.

The information was retrieved from:

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Consumer Price Index, Quaterly Reports, 2013-2015, Republic of Palau

This report was prepared by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Palau. The consumer price index are released in quarterly basis. It measures the quarterly changes in prices of a "basket" of goods and services, which are representative of purchases by private households in Palau. This "basket" covers a wide range of goods and services, arranged in the following eight groups: Food & Beverages; Alcohol, Tobacco & Betel nut; Clothing and Footwear; Housing; Household Operations; Transportation; Health, Personal Care, Education & Services; Leisure & Entertainment.

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Republic of Palau Statistical Yearbooks

This reports was prepared by the Government of the Republic of Palau.From the years 2002 to 2014 it has the following chapters and they are as follows:

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Palau 2014 HIES

This report was prepared by the Office of Planning & Statistics, Ministry of Finance. The Palau National Household Income and Expenditure survey (HIES) was implemented over a 12 month period from November 2013 - October 2014. The report is the first generated output of the HIES and it touches information on the survey, interpretation and analysis of data, and an appendix of key expenditure and income tables.

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Planning And Economic Development: Tobolar Copra Processing Authority

The objectives of Tobolar shall be:

(1) to assume responsibility for the management, operation, and maintenance of all aspects of copra processing for the Republic of Marshall Islands;

(2) to perform in a manner that will best meet the social, economic, and political needs of the people of the Republic of Marshall Islands for copra processing and to do so as efficiently and economically as practicable;

(3) to assure a continuing market for copra from the Republic of Marshall Islands and an economically productive commodity upon which its economy can rely; and

Publication Category: 

Palau, 2007 - 2011, Electricity Consumption by Type of Consumer

Utility statistics from the Palau Public Utility Corporation (PPUC), extracted from the Palau Bureau of Budget and Planning Website:

Captures consumption of electricity by type of consumers from 2007 - 2011 (kWh).

2007 - 2011


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