Cook Islands

Pacific Islands Fuel Quality and Storage Capacity 2016

This data was prepared by the Energy Programme, Economic Development Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. This data has been prepared to inform and support the work of officials of Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs) that regulate or monitor the price of fuel in their respective jurisdictions.

Dataset captures the fuel quality in terms of sulphur content , octane number and gas imported by the 18 PICTs and their total storage capacity.

Energy Resource Category: 

Progress Toward Sustainable Energy Global Tracking Framework 2015 (GTF 2015)

Presentation on the GTF in Bangkok on the SDG7 Energy Access Workshop in June 2016. Entry captures presentation and GTF SE4ALL data as of September 2015, downloaded from the World Bank Data Catalog Site:

Additional information on the SE4ALL data attached:

Type: Time series

Periodicity - Annual

Energy Resource Category: 
Natural Gas
1990 - 2010

Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration Phase 2 - Cook Islands Country Evaluation

The Phase 2 Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration: Cook Islands Country Study was conducted by a team of international and national evaluators working under the direction of the National Evaluation Coordinator and Senior Research Policy Advisor of the Aid Management Division, Ministry of Finance and Economic Management, Cook Islands Government. The first phase of the evaluation focused on inputs and early outputs. This second phase of the evaluation focuses on outcomes and results.

Publication Category: 

National Stocktake Report - National Capacity Self Assessment for Global Environment Management Project

The Cook Islands National Capacity Self Assessment (NCSA) programme was supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) office in Samoa. The project evolved from many international declarations and policy statements such as the Agenda 21 and the WSSD Johannesburg Plan of Action and in the case of small islands developing states, the Barbados Programme of Action. The objective of the NCSA stocktaking exercise and stakeholder consultations is to review existing mechanisms and capacities of institutions and stakeholders.

Publication Category: 

Cook Islands Government Fuel Farm Review

This report was prepared by the Cook Islands Government. Mobil oil are the current supplies of fuel to the Cook Islands and Toa Petroleum Limited. The purpose of this document is to record the intention of the parties prior to the execution of a regulatory contract in relation to a template arrangement for the pricing of fuel.

Publication Category: 

Cook Islands National Sustainable Development Plan 2007 - 2010: Te Kaveinga Nui

This report was prepared by the Central Planning and Policy Office and the Economic Policy Division Government of the Cook Islands. “Te Kaveinga Nui” was developed to guide the national development into the future. It is a pathway that sets out a 15 year visionary framework called ‘Living the Cook Islands Vision – A 2020 Challenge’. The starting point for meeting our long term vision is the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) 2007-2010.

Publication Category: 

Cook Islands National Sustainable Development Plan 2011-2015

This report prepared by the Cook Islands Government. NSDP 2011-2015 builds upon the gains made in NSDP 2007-2010. The purpose of the NSDP is to set national goals, the expected results and effective strategies to guide policy decisions over the medium term in order to realise the 2020 Development Outcomes that aim to deliver on Te Kaveinga Nui National Vision. The National Vision and 2020 Development Outcomes demonstrate an approach that brings together social, economic and environmental priorities underpinned by good governance, culture and effective partnerships.

Publication Category: 

Cook Islands NAMA Seeking Support for Implementing

Cook Islands NAMA UNFCCC template format.  NAMA seeking support for implementation. 

Publication Category: 

Cook Islands Grid Connected Renewable Generators and Net Metering Amendment Policy

This amendment policy was prepared by the Te Aponga Uira (TAU). The purpose of this amendment policy is to outline the arrangements required to achieve an effective and consistent implementation of Grid connected renewable generation, to clarify the criteria for current net metering incentives, and to introduce the gross metering and independent power producer categories.

Publication Category: 

Cook Islands Diesel Road Tax Ordinance Repeal Act

This act was prepared by the Cook Islands Government. It is an act to repeal the Diesel Road Tax Ordinance 1962. This act may be cited as the diesel road tax ordinance repeal act 1977. This act shall come into effect on and as from the 1st April 1977. The Diesel Road Ordinance 1962 is hereby repealed.  This Act is administered by the Ministry of Trade, Industries, Labour and Commerce. 

Publication Category: 


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