Hobert Asari

Mr Hobert Asari was the PCREEE Sustainable Energy Coordinator in Papua New Guinea. He brought to the PCREEE his skills in Renewable Energy Management (solar installation and training), Project Development and Management, Procurement and M&E. Hobert was the Project Officer for the Justice Services and Stability for Development in the Northern Province, Popondetta, PNG in 2018. He was recently the Sustainable Development Team leader for Solar Solutions PNG. He conducted off-grid energy project identification, planning and proposal to access funding. He contributed to energy research in PNG and the development of learning materials for solar, hydro and entrepreneurship (Green Business) with Global Green Growth Institute. Hobert holds a Degree in Sustainable Development, and Certificate of Tertiary and Community Studies from the University of Papua New Guinea.


PCREEE Sustainable Energy Coordinator - Papua New Guinea

GN-SEC learning plattform


Open Procurements


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PCREEE manager attends ISA workshop

Manager - PCREEE Solomone F


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