Technical Publications

IRENA SIDS Lighthouses Initiative

The report contains IRENA Small Island DEvelopment States (SIDS) Lighthouse Initiative - Progress and Way Forward

Support for Energy Sector Regulatory Capacity and Electrification Investment Planning - Fiji

The report compiled by Castlerock Consulting for ADB and Fiji Government under ADB TA 8971-FIJ: Support for Energy Sector Regulatory Capacity and Electrification Investment Planning. It has three volumes:

  • Volume 1: EFL Cost of Service Study
  • Volume 2: Regulatory Transition Assistance
  • Volume 3: A National Electrification Program for Fiji 
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Renewable Energy in Remote Australian Communities (A Market Survey): Final Report

This report presents the results of one of the most extensive field market surveys detailing the use of renewable energy systems in remote area power supplies (RAPS) in Australia. 134 separate remote sites were visited encompassing over 350 separate power and water pumping systems. Householders were questioned to ascertain their attitudes to renewable energy and the installation and maintenance people talked to. 1270 mail-out survey forms were sent out with 260 replies received. The amount of data collected was prodigious.

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Solar Photovoltaic Systems Technical Training Manual

Developing countries face an overall situation of limited energy resources and applications, particularly in rural areas, and there is an urgent need to address this situation. Limited energy resources and applications pose a serious constraint and barrier to social and economic development, and present significant challenges and opportunities for renewable energy. Renewable energy sources include biomass, solar energy, wind and hydropower.

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The Challenge of Higher Oil Prices - Adjusting to higher oil prices: The challenge for developing Asia

Asian Development Outlook 2005 Update - This part of the Update reviews the possible consequences and challenges presented by high oil prices for developing Asia. After a brief review of why prices are high, their impact on various economies in developing Asia is examined. Policy responses to structurally higher oil prices are then surveyed, including a brief discussion on the risks inherent in subsidizing oil products. The review ends by setting out key principles for guiding policy decisions, and offering some conclusions.

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Living with High Prices: A Policy Brief

This policy brief has been prepared by the Asian Development Bank to help the region manage the adjustment to high prices. The policy brief describes the situation internationally and in the Pacific. It looks at what regional governments and development partners can do to help lessen the problems created by high prices. It also looks at what can be done to capture the benefits that high price offer, particularly to local food producers.

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