Petroleum and Transport data

PNG Energy Supply & Demand Outlook

PNG Energy Supply & Demand Outlook published by APEC. Capture data on PNG:

  • Economy
  • Energy resources & infrastructure
  • Energy policies
  • Business-as-usual (BAU) outlook
  • Challenges and implications of BAU
  • Alternative scenarios
Energy Resource Category: 

Tuvalu, 2013 - 2014, Aircraft Fuel Consumption Data

Captures aircraft fuel consumption data from 2013 - 2014 for Tuvalu. Data is sourced directly from the aviation fuel supplier by the Tuvalu Department of Energy (DOE) and provided to SPC. Dataset captures the monthly number of refuels of the aircraft in Tuvalu, the fuel consumption (litres) and the total number of flights in the month. 

Energy Resource Category: 
2013 - 2014

Solomon Islands, 2013 - 2014, Volume Fuel Sales

South Pacific Oil Company (SPOil) annual volume fuel import & sales by end-used sectors for 2013 & 2014 (retail, rural, logging, power, commercial, marine, aviation). Marine sector is comprised of fishing vessels, local & overseas boats. Fuel to provinces shipped in drums and logging camps are bunkered in barges. SPOil is the only supplier of aviation fuel in the Solomon Islands. 

Energy Resource Category: 
2013 - 2014

Fiji Islands, 1970 - 2012, Vehicles Registered Annually

Transport statistics published by the Fiji Bureau of Statistics. Record captures:

  • 1995 - 2013 Vehicles newly registered
  • 1970 - 2012 Distribution of vehicles registered annually by type

Data downloaded from:

1970 - 2012

Solomon Islands, 2015, Fuel Wholesale & Retail Prices

Wholesale & retail prices for petroleum products in the Solomon Islands, including diesel, kerosene, gasoline & LPG. Prices are given in Solomon Islands Cents Per Litre for the fuel, and the gas is provided in Solomon Islands Cents Per Kg. Wholesale prices for diesel, kerosene and petrol were taken directly from 2 oil companies monthly submissions. Dataset provided by the Consumer Affairs & Price Control Division. Data is available for the years 2014 (only September to December) and whole of 2015.

Energy Resource Category: 
2014 - 2015

Tuvalu, 2012 - 2013, Gas Imports

Record captures Tuvalu gas imports for 2012 - 2013. Data captured by date of arrival, name of ship, and volume of gas (12kg, 55kg, tank-tainers)entering Tuvalu. Data is submitted by the Tuvalu Department of Energy (DOE) to SPC via the PRDR data sharing arrangement. DOE collects the data from the Customs Office, by ship record and not by HS Codes.  2014 data is awaiting clarification with the Tuvalu DOE.

Energy Resource Category: 
Natural Gas
2012 - 2013

Vanuatu, 2000 - 2010, Petroleum Imports

Record captures Vanuatu fuel imports for the periods 2000 - 2010. Data is captured by HS Code, City of Origin, Goods description, quanitty(litres), gross mass and statistical value. HS Codes for the fuels captured during 2000 - 2010 as follows:

Energy Resource Category: 
2000 - 2010

Vanuatu, 2000 - 2011, LPG Imports

Record captures Vanuatu 2000 - 2011 gas imports. Gas imports are captured by year, HS Code, Country of Origin, Goods description, gross mass and statistical value. HS Codes captured here for gas imports are:

Energy Resource Category: 
2000 - 2011

Vanuatu, 2000 - 2011, Vehicle Imports

This dataset was compiled for the Vanuatu Energy Road map. Dataset captures the vehicle imports for Vanuatu by Description, HS Code, Value, Weight of the vehicle and Quantity. Dataset provided is accumulated by year only with no specific mention of the products imported by dates.

2000 - 2011

Vanuatu, 2000 - 2012, Fuel Reexports

Record captures Vanuatu fuel re-exports from 2000 - 2012. Data is sourced from the Vanuatu Customs Office, through the Vanuatu Energy Office. Data captures the fuel re-exported by Vanuatu to other countries by HS Code (27101110, 27101120, 27101130, 27101140 and 27101150), description of goods, gross mass, quantity litre and statistical value. Data is attached here as it was provided to SPC.

Energy Resource Category: 
2000 - 2012


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