Wallis & Futuna

Pacific Islands Energy Policy and Plan (2002)

This document represents a regional consensus, affirmed at the 2002 Regional Energy Meeting in Cook Islands via the Rarotonga Declaration.

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Regional Status Report on Efficient Lighting in Pacific Island Countries and Territories

The Regional Status Report on Efficient Lighting in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories was prepared by George Wilkenfeld and Associates, Energy Policy and Planning consultants, Australia for the Pacific Efficient Lighting Strategy (PELS) Project managed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC).The report covers most of the SPC PICTs and benefitted from surveys and data collected by the Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Pacific – Phase 2 (PEEP 2) Project and the Pacific Appliance Labelling and Standards
(PALS) Program.

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Pacific Fuel Price Monitors, 2014 - 2016

Series of Pacific Fuel Monitors produced on a quarterly basis from 2014 - 2015.  Captures:

  • regional retail fuel prices
  • unleaded motor gasoline prices (mogas)
  • automotive diesel oil (ADO) prices
  • kerosene prices
  • liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
  • international market pricing trends
  • regional fuel specification.

Documents are prepared by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community - Petroleum Advisory Service.

Keywords: petroleum, fossil fuel, price, monitor, fuel price monitor, pfpm

Pacific Island Populations (from last Census)

Record captures Pacific Island Population based on the last population census as well as projectiond/estimates. Estimates and projections of demographic indicators are for selected years. This spreadsheet was last updated in September 2013.  Data captured are:

Renewable Power Generation Cost in 2014

Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2014 is one of the most comprehensive studies yet made on the renewable energy price revolution in the power sector. Its findings are striking. Solar photovoltaic (PV) modules in 2014 cost three-quarters less than in 2009, while wind turbine prices declined by almost a third over the same period. The cost of electricity from utility-scale PV systems has fallen by around half since 2010.

Publication Category: 

Pacific Islands Fuel Pricing Manual

Manual prepared by the SPC Energy Programme to inform and support work of PICTs officials that regulate or monitor the price of fuel in their respective jurisdictions. To demonstrate how the cost of Pacific Island fuels can be better understood by referring to its various components which are both internationally and locally influenced. 

Publication Category: 

Final Report Performance Benchmarking for Pacific Power Utilities, October 2002

The purpose of this report is to provide the results of the current round of benchmarking for Pacific power utilities. The objective of Pacific power benchmarking is to stimulate analysis and improvement in performance of participants. 

This benchmarking project has been performed through the following phases:

Publication Category: 

Manual of Performance Benchmarking for Pacific Power Utilities , 2002

The purpose of this Manual is to provide easy-to-follow guidelines for use of benchmarking in Pacific power utilities.

The Pacific Power Association (PPA) and the Asian Development Bank(ADB) have initiated co-ordinated benchmarking for Pacific power utilities by facilitating the
conduct of a first round of benchmarking.  This Manual provides easy-to-follow guidelines upon how Pacific power utilities can continue with benchmarking to obtain maximum on-going benefits.

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Endorsed Proposal for the PRDR SE4ALL

This proposal has been prepared for the consideration of senior officials and Minsters at the SPC-convened Energy and Transport Ministers Meeting being held in Nadi from 31 March to 4 April 2014. It has been developed by ESCAP with the assistance of Dr. Herbert Wade, an independent consultant who undertook missions to Tuvalu (21-25 January 2014), Kiribati (26 January to 2 February 2014), and Vanuatu (4 - 7 February, 2014) 1 to help determine the feasibility of the PRDR through interviews with key stakeholders in those countries.

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