Activities and Services

PCREEE addresses existing barriers and strengthens drivers for sustainable energy markets, industries and innovation through regional methodologies and tools in the scope of the following outcome areas:

Outcome 1: Private sector policy advisory (as delegated by the SPC energy program)

Outcome 2: Strengthened capacities of local institutions and stakeholders through the up-scaling and replication of certified training and applied research programs and mechanisms

Outcome 3: Enhanced awareness of key stakeholder groups on RE&EE opportunities through the up-scaling of regional mechanisms for data exchange, knowledge management and advocacy

Outcome 4: Enhanced business opportunities for domestic sustainable energy businesses through the execution of regional investment and innovation programs and tailored financial schemes


Intervention Logic of PCREEE

PCREEE supports activities with high relevance for the domestic private sector and industry. The centre promotes:

  1. sustainable energy solutions and technologies to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of island industries with high value and job creation potential (e.g. agriculture, tourism, fishery, manufacturing, creative industry);
  2. nexus-approaches which combine sustainable energy interventions with productive activities (e.g. value chain development) and other aspects of circular economy (e.g. resource efficiency, cleaner production, waste and water management, recycling); 
  3. domestic sustainable energy entrepreneurship, industrial development and innovation;

PCREEE positions itself as a regional RE&EE promotion agency rather than an implementer on micro- and grass-root levels. To maximize the local added value the execution of specific assignments or services is in many cases delegated to national institutions and/or the private sector.

The centre focues on activities which demonstrate high relevance for leveraging investments in RE&EE infrastructure, services, local businesses and industry. Promotion of investments, entrepreneurship and innovation will be an important activity component of the centre but also a cross-cutting issue across the other outcome areas. To create a regional RE&EE market, it is crucial for PCREEE to stimulate as much as possible spill-over effects across outcome areas and national borders.

The Centre applies an interrelated short-term and long-term planning, implementation and monitoring framework. The centre will work on the basis of the PCREEE Business Plan which will provide a long-term planning and implementation framework for the first operational phase. The annual work plans, which are subject to review by the Steering Committee, provide a short-term planning framework which incorporates projects and activities to be executed by the Secretariat in a given year. The annual status reports monitor the implementation of the work plans and report on the achievements in the different project components.

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